Animal Spirits: How Much is Happiness Worth?

On today’s show, we discuss:
– Ben’s trip to NYC
– Stock market vs. bond market valuations
– The 4% inflation scenario
– Why the consumer is so important
– Record home values (again)
– The power of home equity, and much more!

Talk Your Book: Large Cap Alpha

We are joined by Francisco Bido, Senior Portfolio Manager for the Integrated Alpha group of F/m Investments to discuss:
– Screening out companies
– Growth vs value investing
– Investing in Apple
– Avoiding Tesla, and much more!

Do Valuations Even Matter For the Stock Market?

Robert Shiller has a free online database of historical stock market data I’ve been using for years. Going back to 1871, Shiller has data on historical interest rates, dividends, earnings, inflation and valuations. His preferred valuation measure is the cyclically-adjusted price to earnings (CAPE) ratio The average CAPE ratio going back to 1871 is 17.4x…

Animal Spirits: Do Valuations Matter?

On today’s show, we discuss:
– Bull market corrections
– Why valuations don’t matter all that much
– Why people were so wrong about the stock market
– Why we haven’t gotten a recession yet
– $1 trillion in credit card debt
– Robinhood’s results
– Tipping at a hotel, and much more!

Talk Your Book: Compounding with Concentrated Portfolios

On today’s show, we are joined by John Neff, Partner and Portfolio Manager of AKRE Capital Management to discuss:
– The AI investing craze
– The creation of fundamental analysis
– Compounding returns with Warren Buffett
– Running a highly concentrated portfolio, and much more!