Animal Spirits: What Will Perform Best in 2024?

On today’s show, we discuss:
– Christmas arguments
– Green shoots in prices
– 1940s vs. 1970s inflation
– Why we’re not worried about index funds
– How to save and invest in middle age
– Why Bitcoin is the most extreme asset
– Celebrating no recession in 2023
– Why the U.S. economy is more resilient
– Some Christmas movie recommendations, and much more!

Talk Your Book: International Growth Investing

On today’s show, we are joined by Todd Morris, International Growth Portfolio Manager and Analyst for Polen Capital to discuss:
– Reasons for the valuation discrepancies between international stocks and US stocks
– How the dollar affects international investments
– Understanding cultural differences when investing outside the US
– Position sizing within a concentrated portfolio, and much more!

Animal Spirits: The Most Crowded Trade on Wall Street

On today’s show, we discuss:
– Mission accomplished from the Fed
– What comes after a soft landing
– New highs in the stock market
– Small caps breaking out
– The best thing we’ve built in America
– More people own stocks than ever
– The economic chart of the year
– The best movie of the 2020s (so far), and much more!