Comparing returns on stocks, bonds, cash and gold to the U.S. housing market.
Ben Carlson
The Holy Grail of Portfolio Management
Why I’m not worried about higher stock and bond correlations.
Historical Returns For Stocks, Bonds & Cash
Historical returns for stocks, bonds and cash from 1928-2023.
Americans Are Better Off Than You Think
The gool old days weren’t as great as you think.
Equal Weight Investing
Investing in sectors, the S&P 500 or equal weight S&P 500.
Historical U.S. Stock Market Returns Through 2023
A look at some updated historical U.S. stock market return data.
Updating My Favorite Performance Chart For 2023
Asset class returns for 2023.
There’s No Ozempic For Financial Decisions
Why it’s easier to change your financial habits than your diet and exercise habits.
Coasting to Retirement with a Margin of Safety
Some thoughts on the coast FIRE movement and how to think about retirement planning from a young age.
What Comes After a Good Year in the Stock Market?
A historical look at what happens after a 20%+ gain in the stock market the next year.