On today’s show we discuss the shrinking number of small businesses, the stock market chart of the decade, why excess capital investment in technology leads to booms/busts, the tech sector will lead to the next financial crisis, making the case for European stocks, baby boomers still rule the day, the relentless bid from 401k investors, timing the housing market, $1.2 million in credit card debt and much more.
Ben Carlson
Simple Explanations to Complex Topics
Some thoughts on 401ks and rich baby boomers.
Talk Your Book: How to Eliminate Negative Alpha
On today’s show, we are joined by Cole Wilcox, Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Longboard Asset Management to discuss if trend following still works for stocks, how to set the expectations for investors using trend following, positioning alts within a portfolio, and much more!
Deep Finance Thoughts by Ben Carlson
A random assortment of things I’ve been thinking about, reading about and watching of late.
The Long-Term Depends on Your Time Horizon
A closer look at the long-run returns on the stock market.
The U.S. Housing Market vs. The Australian Housing Market
A closer look at Australian housing prices.
Don’t Freak Out
Some thoughts on tariffs and Apollo 13.
Talk Your Book: Bitcoin for Anyone
On today’s show, we are joined by Matt Kaufman, SVP, Head of ETFs at Calamos to discuss using downside protection for cash, understanding caps and buffers using Bitcoin, the Bitcoin options market coming online, how 24hr crypto trading affects the market, and much more!
The Perfect Level of Wealth
Why money doesn’t make you content.
The Advisor Cheat Code
My talk with Fred Barstein about how financial advisors can become more profitable.