Ben Carlson

Talk Your Book: Direct to Consumer Venture Capital

On today’s show, we are joined by Elia Infascelli, Partner and CEO of The Cashmere Fund to discuss celebrities within VC, utilizing networks for private investments, how Cashmere was able to bring this to retail investors, how liquidity works for investors, portfolio structure with an evergreen fund, and much more!

Animal Spirits: It Was a Very Good Year

On today’s show we discuss the year that was in the stock market, expectations for 2025 returns, the Steve Ballmer portfolio, record ETF flows, the new normal of speculation, rich retirees who won’t spend their money, the new normal of 7% mortgage rates, eff you money vs. your job, speaker phones, travel budgets and much more.

Talk Your Book: Conviction in Growth Investing

On today’s show, we are joined by Charly Travers, Portfolio Manager at Motley Fool Asset Management to discuss how the Motley 100 Index is constructed, growth vs value investing, how Motley analysts approach stock picking, thoughts on S&P top 10 market cap turnover, and much more!

Animal Spirits: All In on US Stocks

On today’s show we discuss healthy corrections, rate cuts vs. the stock market, terrible sentiment towards foreign stocks, the crack cocaine of the stock market, addiction in the information age, deflation in China, AI eats the world, houses are getting older, new vs. used cars for your kids, everyone is drinking Guinness and much more.