Ben Carlson

The Struggle to Define Risk

“Investors face not one but two major risks: the risk of losing money and the risk of missing opportunities.” – Howard Marks Howard Marks updated his masterpiece this week on how he looks at risk in the markets in his latest quarterly update in a memo called Risk Revisited Again. Whenever someone as well-respected as Marks…

Four Questions

Four questions I’m pondering at the moment: Is “low rates and low inflation forever” the new consensus? Economists and pundits have been predicting a rise in interest rates for a number of years now, but the professional investors I talk to these days almost all seem convinced that rates will stay “lower for longer.” Many of the…

Understanding Business Risk

There are certain risks that exist within any business that nobody pays much attention to them until things go wrong. I never really considered business risk before witnessing it firsthand during the financial crisis. Here are a few things I saw or heard from peers in the industry:

Fear & Loathing in the Financial Media

It seems there are two extreme factions within the financial advice-giving complex when it comes to media consumption — either everything matters or nothing matters. In one corner, people pay attention to every single news item, economic data release, earnings announcement, market-moving development or geopolitical event. These people live and die with the latest headline….

The Bull Market That Didn’t End in a Crash

Investors throw around the terms bull market and bear market with ease, but there are so many different ways to define them that it can be somewhat confusing. For some reason, a 20% gain is considered a bull market while a 20% loss is considered a bear market. Why not 19% or 21% or another…

How Innovation is Affecting Market Valuations

This week I had the chance to listen a talk given by the CEO of an aerospace company that ships products all around the globe. He walked the audience through the company’s different transformations over the years and ended his discussion with a short video that demonstrated how their state of the art warehouse works.

The Most Interesting Asset Class Over the Next Decade

Vanguard has a great chart in their latest ETF Perspectives newsletter that gives you a good idea about where risk usually lies during a severe stock market sell-off: Vanguard highlighted high-yield bonds to show how they typically perform worse than other types of bonds during a stock market drop. There are many investors out there…

Avoiding The Status Quo to Fire Your Advisor

Following my post on how to tell if you’re getting bad financial advice, a reader asked: From my experience (personal and through observation of others), one of the largest hurdles in personal investing is ‘actually’ changing advisers – even when you know you should. What I mean is this: Many people, after a period, form…

Chris Sacca on The Power of Incentives

Chris Sacca is on one of the greatest streaks ever for a venture capital investor. He’s been an early-stage investor in companies such as Uber, Instagram, Twitter and Kickstarter. He’s come out of nowhere to become one of the most well-known VCs on the planet because of both his investing prowess and his brash style…

What If Everything Is Overvalued?

Stock valuations are getting into potentially overvalued territory. Bond yields — from government to high yield to corporates — have all fallen precipitously since the financial crisis. Real estate, venture capital and private equity are also likely reaching above average valuation levels. It’s tough for investors to know what to do in this situation. Zero…