Today’s Talk Your Book is brought to you by State Street:

We spoke with State Street’s Matt Bartolini about the various sectors in the stock market.
We discuss:
- This run-up in tech stocks is unprecedented
- How the different sectors have held up during recessions historically
- Why there is a wider dispersion in sectors than factors
- The need to recalibrate historical sector relationships
- Are sectors acting like this is a new bull market?
- Can sectors tell us where we are in the business cycle?
- More stocks underperform than outperform their sector
- Concentration risk in sectors
- The ability to invest thematically is a win for individual investors
- The 4 different ways to think about investing in sectors
- How thematic ETFs are doing
- Why fund flows are hard to understand
- What’s next for thematic ETFs?
Listen here:
- Implementing a sector strategy
- Sectors in a changing world
- Sector business cycle analysis
- Classifying nextgen opportunities in ETFs
- Investing thematically in new economy ETFs

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