On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben we discuss:
- How to pay for college on the cheap
- Why is financial literacy in the U.S. so low?
- Is there ever going to be a solution for the retirement savings crisis?
- The Netflix model for financial advice
- Why the financial services industry is like the fast food industry
- There are plenty of rich people to go around
- The Lyft IPO
- How much money would it take to get you off social media for good?
- Why Michael is the Brett Favre of writing about the CAPE ratio
- Credit card recommendations is a big business
- Should financial advisors have their own advisor?
- Where the ‘Bell’ in Tace Bell came from
- Why The Avengers movie franchise is just like the finance industry and much more
Listen here:
Stories mentioned:
- Schools aim to teach teens financial savvy
- Personal finance for normal people
- Half of older Americans have nothing saved for retirement
- Schwab wants the investing business to be subscription-based
- Millennials now make up nearly half of the super wealthy
- Are valuations irrelevant?
- The credit card kingmaker
Books mentioned:
Charts mentioned:

TV Shows/Movies/Podcasts Mentioned:
- After Life (Netflix) – This Ricky Gervais show is one of my favorites of the year so far. Funny, deep, heartfelt, and only 6 episodes.
- The Avengers: Infinity War – I did a whole rant about how this movie is just like the finance industry. I guess it was okay if you like these kinds of movies but the superhero genre just isn’t for me.
mail us at animalspiritspod@gmail.com with any feedback, recommendations, or questions.
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