Search Results for: "benchmark"

The Tyranny of Benchmarking

A number of years ago the firm I worked for went through a lengthy review process of the compensation policies for our investment team. Management was trying to make sure our pay was aligned with industry averages but specifically, they were overhauling our bonus pool. A compensation consultant was brought in. The process took a…

How Should Alternative Investments Be Benchmarked?

Following my recent piece on the future of the hedge fund industry, a reader asked: Interest rates are too low and stock market volatility is too high so we have to hold some alternatives in our client portfolios. Our problem is how do we benchmark these funds? S&P 500? 60/40 portfolio? A hedge fund index?…

The Pitfalls of Benchmarking

The latest SPIVA numbers are out and once again it doesn’t look too pretty in terms of active management’s ability to outperform their benchmarks: The passive management revolution, the zero-sum nature of investing, the fact that markets are so competitive these days and the high cost of active management are the prime suspects for these…

Talk Your Book: Quality Growth Investing

On today’s show, we are joined by Kevin Walkush, Portfolio Manager at Jensen Investment Management to discuss what quality means to Jensen, why META was removed from the portfolio, thoughts on AI and tech bubbles, the most exciting sectors for the long term, how interest rates affect valuation models, hallmarks for great quality businesses, and much more!

Animal Spirits: The Roaring Twenties

On today’s show, we discuss:
– Why the elements are in place for a boom-time decade
– Why household allocations to stocks were so low in the past
– How to lie with statistics
– Who keeps buying Treasury bonds
– Picking the AI winners in the stock market
– Some good news for homebuyers, and much more!