Retail Venture Capitalists

A couple of years ago, Tadas Viskanta of Abnormal Returns asked myself and a handful of other bloggers the following question in his finance blogger wisdom series: Uber just raised VC monies at a $17 billion valuation. Are the private markets the new public markets? Is the average investor missing out on his/her inability to…

The Problem With Trying to Quantify Risk

I received a huge response about my post from earlier this week where I showed that a 60/40 Vanguard portfolio beat the majority of college endowment funds over the previous 5 and 10 year periods. I’m always willing to see the other side of an argument, so I wanted to dig a little deeper into…

The Modern Day Philanthropist

“Billions are wasted on ineffective philanthropy. Philanthropy is decades behind business in applying rigorous thinking to the use of money.” – Michael Porter One of the most unique aspects of the United States is how charitable we are as a country. There are now over 100,000 private foundations in the U.S.  While the biggest funds…

Bogle vs. Goliath

Every year the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) puts out a study on the investment performance of college endowment funds. It’s a comprehensive report that goes through the asset allocations and performance numbers of funds ranging from a few million dollars to funds with many billions of dollars (in the latest…

The Buffett Backlash

There’s a fairly common Internet cycle that occurs these days like clockwork. It works like this. There’s some new piece or news or an event that transpires. People share their positive or negative reaction to said event. Then things really heat up as the backlash to those original opinions kicks into high school gear and…

What Hedge Funds Get Right

Hedge funds have come under a lot of criticism in the past few years because of their poor performance, headline risk and high fees. Some of this criticism is warranted — it comes with the territory when you charge premium fees —  but people also tend to forget that hedge funds are not an asset…

Managing Risk vs. Managing Returns

In a former life I used to look over hundreds of private equity fund pitches every year for investment opportunities. A few things stood out in the similarities of these funds: Every single one of them claimed to be top quartile — either through past returns or the promise of future returns. 90-95% of funds…

Is The Fed Running Out of Ammo?

The latest cover story for the The Economist asks if central bankers are Out of Ammo? Anything is possible, especially when there’s talk of negative interest rates in the U.S. some day. But this is a question that has been asked many, many times over the years throughout this recovery: August 18, 2009: Running Low on Ammo…

The Importance of Storytelling Ability

I’ve always thought that the financial markets acted as something of a real world experiment on human nature. Markets are interactive, involve a wide range of individuals making decisions and provide a scorecard that’s available for people to track in real-time. Watching the 24/7 news coverage of the presidential primaries kick into overdrive makes me…

A One Year Financial Plan

In The Martian, Mark Watney discusses his travails while making plans while stuck on Mars: They say no plan survives first contact with implementation. I’d have to agree. I’m constantly pushing investors on the virtues of creating a comprehensive investment plan because it’s the most important step in the investment process. Security selection, asset allocation, market…