Some thoughts on holding 10% of your portfolio in cash.
Ben Carlson
Are We Living in The Roaring 20s?
Making the case for the Roaring 2020s.
How Bad is Wealth Inequality in America?
Last week I wrote about how the collective net worth of Americans is at a new all-time high. A reader asked a fair follow-up question: I’d be interested in seeing the concentration of that net worth though…I’m guessing it’s an inverted direction. Just because many households are richer than ever doesn’t mean all of them…
Will There be a Fee War in the Housing Market?
How will the new realtor commissions impact the housing market?
Are Index Funds Propping Up the Stock Market?
A historical comparison of returns and valuations for large caps, mid caps and small caps.
Some Things I’ve Learned About Public Speaking
What I’ve learned from giving speeches and presentations over the years.
So Much Money Everywhere
Why do asset prices keep moving higher?
Inflation at the Grocery Store
Why everyone is so angry about grocery store prices.
Retirement Planning in your 20s, 30s and 40s
Answering a handful of questions about retirement planning at various stages of life.
Long-Term Recency Bias
Some thoughts on owning international stocks (or any strategy that’s underperforming).