Some charts on inflation, generational income, generational wealth and oild production.
Ben Carlson
Gambler’s Fallacy in the Stock Market
Stock market returns are random.
Hedging Against World War III
Hedging against geopolitical risk.
Diversification is About Decades
Why diversification is a survival strategy but also an agressive one.
The Destiny of Demographics
Some questions I have based on current demographic trends.
Translating Wall Street Jargon
Translating some of Wall Street’s favorite words and phrases.
Is Social Security Going Bankrupt?
What does insolvancy mean for Social Security?
Seinfeld on When Money Became Everything
If your work is unfullfilling, the money will be too.
The Worst Bond Bear Market Ever Marches On
Why aren’t investors freaking out about bond market losses?
The New Normal in Housing Prices
Why higher housing prices are here to stay.