On today’s show we discuss changing narratives in the markets, why interest rates are rising, why you should never take macro advice from hedge fund managers, why the S&P 500 is so hard to beat, living paycheck-to-paycheck on $150k, why the 2020s inflation was so painful, 7% mortgage rates, the downside of Waymo and much more.
Ben Carlson
The Curse of Early Success
Some stories about Lee Child, Mick Herron, Michelin star restaurants and inflation.
A $12 Trillion Opportunity for Financial Advisors
A closer look at the defined contribution retirement plan opportunity for financial advisors.
Talk Your Book: The Next Big Short
On today’s show, we are joined by Jared Dillian, Founder of Jared Dillian Money to discuss Jared’s bearishness on private equity, understanding the demand side of private equity, a private equity sentiment bubble, an explosion of HVAC private equity deals, and much more!
The 5 Levels of Intelligence
My conversation with Seth Godin about his new book.
Where Does Economic Growth Come From?
The two forces that drive economic growth over time.
Am I a Permabull?
Some thoughts on my general outlook on life.
Animal Spirits: The Envy of the World
On today’s show we discuss stock market return expectations for the next decade, why there’s no euphoria, Nvidia is a unicorn, the American economy is unstoppable, millennials are richer than expected, sports gambling is coming for ETFs, how to buy a house right now, Netflix won, coaching youth sports and much more.
3% Stock Market Returns For the Next Decade?
The U.S. stock market has been on fire of late. But it doesn’t feel like we’ve entered the euphoric phase of investor psychology just yet. In fact, many prognosticators have been lowering expectations. Goldman Sachs put out a research piece that posits the S&P 500 could return just 3% annualized over the next 10 years…
Talk Your Book: Factor Investing with Dimensional Fund Advisors
On today’s show, we are joined by Rob Harvey, Co-Head of Product Specialists at Dimensional Fund Advisors to discuss how DFA separates itself as an asset manager, details around converting a mutual fund to an ETF, how DFA handled the meme stock craze, value vs growth, and much more!