Today’s Talk Your Book is presented by Simplify Asset Management.

We spoke with Simplify CEO and co-founder Paul Kim about their new ETF lineup.
We discuss:
- Protecting the downside and enhancing the upside on disruptive companies
- Is growth the new value?
- The difference between now and the 1990s with growth stocks
- The relationship between growth stocks and interest rates
- What ends the current environment?
- Using options to gain more upside potential and downside protection in concentrated portfolios
- Investing in fintech, cybersecurity, robocars and pop culture
- Why options need to be actively managed
- How options work inside ETFs
- Planning for huge sell-offs in disruptive companies
- Are thematic funds the next star fund managers?
Listen here:
- Will Tesla dominate autonomous driving?
- Harnessing the power of disruption with concentrated convexity

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