Today’s Animal Spirits is brought to you by Interactive Brokers.

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We discuss:
- No one can predict the end of a speculative mania
- The youths vs. the olds in the stock market
- For better or worse, this is a young person’s market right now
- Why technology may have changed market dynamics forever
- What is going on with Gamestop?
- What were these hedge funds thinking?
- Will the SEC crackdown on WSB?
- Why this is something different than 1999
- Are hedge fund short presentations a thing of the past?
- It’s hard out there for a short seller right now
- Did The Big Short mark a top in hedge funds?
- Why are tech stock valuations rising so fast?
- Buying bitcoin with your tuition money?
- How Netflix won the streaming wars
- Where to save for a down payment and more
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Stories mentioned:
- Investing in a bubble
- Baupost’s Klarman compares investors to frogs in boiling water
- The important lesson a quant manager learned in 2020
- Q4 2020 commentary
- Every Warren Buffett needs a Charlie Munger
- Small investor surge shows no sign of slowing
- Gamestop soars nearly 70%
- How Wall Street Bets pushed Gamestop to the moon
- How technology ate the stock market
- Netflix will no longer borrow money
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