Today’s Animal Spirits is brought to you by Interactive Brokers.
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We discuss:
- Why are baby boomers selling their stocks?
- How target date funds are growing in importance
- Why aren’t more value funds closing down?
- Why there were so few distressed opportunities in this bear market
- At what point does historical market data become useless?
- Isn’t it a good thing companies are taking on more debt with rates so low?
- Why it’s hard to use rules of thumb in finance
- Is the 4% rule still applicable for retirement withdrawals?
- Is Cathie Wood the most underappreciated fund manager in the business?
- What are some of the most disruptable industries of the future?
- Will we see more government spending during future economic crises?
- Why did credit scores rise this year?
- Collapsing levels of trust
- How many different versions of history will be written in the future?
- Some optimism about the end of the pandemic
Listen here:
Stories mentioned:
- America is having a moral convulsion
- Older Americans are selling the stock market slowly bu ceaselessly
- Value investor calling it quits
- Coming into focus
- Q3 2020 commentary
- What if the 4% rule for retirement withdrawals is now the 5% rule?
- Ark’s bad ideas report
- Buy now pay later
- Coronavirus tanked the economy. Then credit scores went up
- A dose of optimism
- US virus cases climb toward a third peak
Books mentioned:
Podcasts mentioned:
- How the creator of the 4% rule applied it for his clients
- Japan is trading at the lowest valuation in 30 years
- Cooper Raiff on Sh*thouse
- The Case for Tactical Equity
Charts mentioned:

Commercials mentioned:
Norm MacDonald bits mentioned:
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