Today’s Animal Spirits: Talk Your Book is presented by USCF Investments:

We sat down with Geert Rouwnhorst of the Yale School of Management and John Love of USCF Investments to talk about all things commodities.
We discuss:
- The difference between commodities futures and the prices you see in the media
- Why it’s impossible to track spot commodities prices one-for-one
- Understanding what a product like USO does in terms of tracking oil prices
- Tactical vs buy-and-hold when using commodities
- What are the main factors driving the prices of commodities
- Commodity futures returns back to 1871
- What does the past mean for the future or commodities?
- How does technology impact the prices of commodities?
- What happens to commodities in a world with low growth & low inflation?
- What sort of expectations should investors have for commodities?
- What causes the price regimes in commodities?
- Geopolitical event impact on oil prices
Listen here:
- The Commodities Futures Risk Premium: 1871-2018
- Facts and Fantasies About Commodities Futures
- Literature & Learning
- USCF Research
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