On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael & Ben we discuss:
- What’s the one thing we’re certain of about the stock market going forward?
- Why volatility begets more volatility in the markets.
- How expectations factors into the stock market and the economy.
- Why the stock market is nothing like a casino.
- Labor shortages, wages, and a sub-4% unemployment rate.
- How does the stock market affect the economy and vice versa?
- What should you do if you’ve been sitting in cash for a number of years?
- What you can learn from the robo-advisors.
- When is it OK to panic in the stock market?
- Why are investors fleeing bond funds?
- What % of people think they will win the lottery?
- Are all the economic gains really going to the rich?
- Is Uber really worth $120 billion?
- Is it possible for the stock market to be down over a 20-year period?
- Never buy an investment product because of a free meal and much more.
Listen here:
Stories mentioned:
- U.S. economy grew at 3.5% rate for the quarter
- When stocks fell 10%…
- The psychology of sitting in cash
- The retirement algorithm
- It’s okay to panic a little
- Investors are fleeing bond funds
- What investors can learn from gamblers
- Do the rich capture all gains from economic growth?
- Uber-Inequality
- Steak dinner and annuities
Books mentioned:
Charts mentioned:

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