On this week’s Animal Spirits with Michael and Ben we discuss:
- Ray Dalio’s thoughts on debt cycles.
- Taking financial advice from billionaires.
- The world’s $250 trillion in debt.
- How much debt is too much for the world’s governments?
- Why no one really knows how many assets are indexed.
- How lotteries can help people save more money.
- JP Morgan wants more millennial customers and they’re willing to pay.
- Many of 2008’s star hedge fund managers have seen assets evaporate.
- Why there are fewer new hedge funds being opened today.
- When rules-based investing backfires.
- Can international markets hedge your portfolio during a U.S. recession?
- Lump sum or dollar cost average?
- Our thoughts on using a stop-loss and much more.
Listen here:
Stories mentioned:
- Ray Dalio says the next financial crisis could be worse than the last one
- Don’t take asset allocation advice from billionaires
- $250 trillion in debt
- The problem for active management
- Lotteries are doing more damage to those who can least afford it
- Using the lure of lotteries to spur savings
- JP Morgan goes after rich millennials
- The incredible shrinking hedge fund
- Breakout
- The lump sum vs. dollar cost averaging decision
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